Friday, June 21, 2013

Farmers Market Kitchen 2013 Season Starts June 30th!

The Farmers Market Kitchen is BACK again this year starting Sunday, June 30th! This monthly cooking demo was started last year and featured local chefs making dishes containing fresh seasonal produce found right at the market.

This year, the Market Kitchen will be moving from Trout Lake to Kitsilano Farmers Market (2690 Larch Street at 10th Avenue, Parking Lot of Kitsilano Community Centre) and will showcase well-known chefs from around Vancouver, with Ned Bell making a return appearance. Here's the lineup:

June 30 - Trevor Bird (Fable)
July 28 - Chris Whittaker (Forage)
August 25 - Ned Bell (YEW Four Seasons)
September 29 - Chef Eric Arrouzé (UBC Culinary Arts)

You can take a look at my posts for Karen Barnaby, Ned Bell, and Angus An from last year's Market Kitchen to give you an idea of how the demo is like.

Usually the demo starts at 11am. There are limited seats but people can stand around to watch. The format is very casual, the audience gets to throw questions at the chef while he prepares his dish. They will give you some insight and tips on how they cook so it is useful to bring a notebook to jot things down!

After, the audience gets to sample the dish the chef has made! Yummy!

 The recipe will also be made available so that you can try to recreate it at home.

And signs around the market will also tell you if an ingredient was featured in the chef's recipe.

I'm excited about the Market Kitchen's return this year and can't wait for it to start!

Please visit for more information.

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