Sunday, June 09, 2013

Hats Off Day 2013 Photos

Hats Off Day is an annual one-day celebration in Burnaby which includes a parade and a street festival afterwards from Boundary Road to Beta Avenue. It is a day where Burnaby Heights merchants "take their hats off" to their community and their customers, and the entire Heights community celebrates together. Lots of music, food, entertainment and kids’ activities is found on this day. This year it took place on Saturday, June 1st. I missed the parade but caught the last two hours of the festival. I'd recommend going earlier and watching the parade. A lot of booths ran out of stuff by the time we reached them and were packing up already! It was pretty fun to walk around this area and see all the festivities. The theme this year was "Mad Hatter's Tea Party" so there were some crazy hats people were wearing!

The Vancouver Circus School was there and they gave many performances throughout the festival.  I loved watching them!

Asian Elvis

Lots of dogs about as well. Look at this cool pom sporting some spiffy sunglasses!

It is quite a walk from Boundary to Beta!

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