Monday, July 08, 2013

Gulf of Georgia Cannery and Downtown Steveston

This is my last post for Canada Day in Steveston! The Gulf of Georgia Cannery was open to the public for free in celebration of Canada's 146th birthday. Having never seen it before, I managed to convince my friends to join me.

As we walked in, a short film about the history of the cannery was about to start so we sat in. The room used to be the old boiler room!

There's a lot of info about all sorts of fish caught in BC waters. Halibut is huge!

There are also cute little interactive displays about fishing and how conservation and politics play into it.

Trying to find the faulty can.

The history cannery is fascinating! If we weren't so tired from the day we would have spent more time reading everything. 

Outside there were two people dressed in olden day clothing to match the statues!  They were even matching the poses!

Walking back to the car, we passed through downtown Steveston where the TV series Once Upon a Time is filmed! This is the Storybrooke Free Public Library in the show! They digitally add the clock tower to this building.

Candy? We couldn't resist going in this candy shop!

So much candy!

Candy Dish is apparently famous for their homemade fudge! After I tried a sample, I knew why. I had to purchase one - an espresso flavoured one! Mmmmmmm.

This is the only scramble crosswalk I've seen in the Lower Mainland. The only other one I've seen before was in Toronto. This one is so pretty!

Steveston is such a beautiful place, I wish we had more time and more energy (it was quite a long day) to explore further. I'll be back for sure!

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