Monday, July 22, 2013

Illuminares Lantern Festival

Last Saturday evening, Public Dreams held the 25th Illuminares Lantern Festival at Trout Lake. It was somewhat bitter sweet since it was most likely the last one ever due to funding problems. I've been to other Public Dreams lantern festivals but never at Trout Lake so M and I decided to go see for the last time.

Crowds of people everywhere the eye can see. And lots of dogs too! There was this one dog with dreadlocks! I sorry to say I don't have a picture of it. It was so cute!

There were these solar system lanterns hanging about since the theme of this year's festival is "25 Light Years"!

 Trout lake is beautiful at sunset! People were swimming in the lake!

 Sword fighting!

 There were even concession stands!

The lantern procession started at this arch. It was like a pied piper sort of thing. Music started playing and people with (and without) lanterns followed.

 These owls are so cool! Thought they were ghosts from further away.

At the end of the lantern procession, there was a big fire show! 

Hahah it was funny watching this "alien" walk around.

It was very nice to see all the lanterns and light displays at Trout Lake. It's sad that is the last one. People seem to love participating in their events and it always draws large crowds! 

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