Monday, August 19, 2013

Nature's Candy: BC Blueberries

Blueberries are one of my favourite fruits. I've been told before that if I'd eat any more blueberries, I'd turn into one, just like the girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Haha! My favourite way of eating them is just half frozen right out the freezer. Mmm it's just as good as ice cream!

I had a chance to sample them differently last Thursday, when BC Blueberries invited me to the Fairmont Pacific Rim Lobby Lounge Terrace where the berries starred in some inventive dishes made by Chef Darren Brown.

We were greeted at the beginning of the event with a blueberry cocktail (Yeoman & the Blueberry) or with a non-alcoholic Myrtille Fizz.

There were several savory canapes prepared for us:

Fresh Shucked Sawmill Bay Oysters with BC Blueberry yuzu pearls & cucumber mignonette

Duck Prosciutto Crostini with BC Blueberry mostarda, pickled jicama, micro chervil and focaccia crisps

Pate de Campagne with dried BC Blueberries, house made Dijon mustard & red onion relish

Spicy BC Blueberry Quinoa and Kale Salad
I really loved them all but the Pate de Campagne and Duck Prosciutto Crostini were my favourite!

On the other side was the dessert laid out in this beautiful setup. 

BC Blueberry & White Chocolate S'mores
Preserved lemon and blueberry panna cotta. preserved lemon flan, blueberry compote, vanilla syrup

Blueberry-watermelon soup with ginger, candies lime, mint and sparkling wine

Debbie Etsell, executive director of BC Blueberry Council, and guest speaker dietician, Patricia Chuey where there to show us how amazing blueberries are as delicious food as well as beneficial for your health. Patricia also gave away one of her out of print cookbooks, Eating for Energy without Deprivation to one lucky attendee who answered a trivia question about blueberries!

Some facts about blueberries: 

  • Only 80 calories per cup and virtually fat-free and good source of fibre and vitamin C.

  • Blueberries are one of the best sources of antioxidants.

  • Blueberries lowers blood pressure.

  • Blueberries have anti-aging and cancer-prevention properties.

  • Blueberries can prevent as well as REVERSE memory loss!

  • Blueberries have low glycemic load, which means you don't get that sugar high then low after eating them. They are the perfect sports food! Grab a handful just before your workout!

  • The white stuff on the blueberries is called bloom and is a protective coating. Blueberries should not be washed until just before they are going to be used otherwise they might start to mold.

  • British Columbia has over 800 blueberry growers and 11,000 hectares of fertile land makes BC the number one blueberry-growing region in the world!

  • Blueberry season is from July through until the beginning of October, but are available frozen year-round.

  • Frozen blueberries do not vary a lot compared to fresh blueberries in terms of nutritional value. So buy those blueberries now and freeze them!

  • Blueberries are delicious!

We got to sample the Fairmont's Blueberry Mostarda which was on the Duck Prosciutto Crostini. They are available for purchase at Giovane.

At the end of the event, we took home a goodie bag filled with BC Blueberry goodness! Thanks BC Blueberries!

It is currently the height of blueberry season - meaning the biggest and best blueberries are out in the market right now! So what are you waiting for? Get those blueberries now!

To find out more about BC Blueberries and also for recipes featuring this delicious fruit make sure to visit

For more photos of the event, you can head over to my Facebook page, MashedThoughts!

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