Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I Love Transit Night by Translink

Last week was Translink's fifth annual I Love Transit Week, a time to celebrate what we all love about transit! To show riders their appreciation, Translink held a I Love Transit night on Thursday, August 8th. The event was sold out on Eventbrite!

 Pizza and pop for attendees.

 Busker Eric D’Onofrio provided the music of the night with his accordion.

There were many transit enthusiasts attending and this hardcore fan brought his whole collection of transit related stuff to the event!

He even made a little transit train track with the cardboard cutout models from Translink!

 Translink was giving away cardboard cutout models of their buses, skytrains and seabus,

as well as all sorts of transit related buttons!

 They were also selling t-shirts and bags.

Reasons by we love public transit.

 This was my favourite reason! lol

 The transit police was there showing off their new police car.

 We played team transit games like boarding the bus and trivia.

 Looking at the Compass pass - coming soon in the Fall! Just tap on and tap off.

 Mr. Buzzer posing with a Transit fan.

Throughout the night prizes were given away including two monthly bus passes for 3 zones!

To add to the fun, there was a photo booth in the corner, where we could dress up in costumes.

 Haha you never know what sort of crazy people you meet on transit!

I Love Transit Week is done for this year but there is still fun to be had! The Bus Stop Hop will be happening on Saturday, August 17, 2013. It's a annual Amazing-Race-style event that showcases the accessibility of our transit system! Visit the website for more details.  

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