Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fiat Mode XXVI

Fiat Mode is Vancouver Community College's annual fashion event of the year that showcases the collections from graduates of the Fashion Arts Diploma and Certificate programs. One of my good friends was graduating on September 24th after two year of hard study so I had to go show my support for her!

Ooo they were serving hors d'oeuvres at the event!

 Their smoked tuna hors d'oeuvre was sooo delicious. Too bad I arrived too late to enjoy more!

Ooo cupcakes!

Ok enough about food. Fashion. There was no denying there were a lot of talent present that night. There were also some that confused me and some that were very unique and probably better suited to a niche market. Some were inspired by Tron Legacy, traffic, accordians, pasta and all sorts of other stuff! Some of my favourites were the more exotic looking dresses.

Here is a taste of the things I saw that night:

Congrats to the fashion graduates of 2013! Now anyone who will volunteer to redo my wardrobe for me? XD

See the rest of my photos on my Facebook page!

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