Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kelly Clarkson Concert #MicrosoftBC

Microsoft opened its first retail store in BC in Metropolis at Metrotown on Thursday, November 7th and to celebrate, the tech giant invited their first 2100 visitors to an exclusive Kelly Clarkson concert on Friday, November 8th at Swangard Stadium in Burnaby.

I was kind of in despair since I wouldn't be able to line up (because of work and other plans) and get a ticket but my sis visited the store after work and was lucky enough to snag two wristbands! It goes to show that it never hurts to ask, even when you think everything is gone!

At the night of the concert, Microsoft booths were set up showcasing all the latest Microsoft products such as Windows 8.1, Xbox and the Surface tablet. Those who checked in on FourSquare were also given a Foursquare branded t-shirt.

The concert was great! Kelly Clarkson sounded amazing! She opened with one of my favourites, "My Life Would Suck Without You," and proceeded to sing a lot of her hits, some of her older ones and a new Christmas song that will be coming out in her new Christmas album. She ended the concert with everyone's favourite, "Stronger." 

I must confess, I haven't visited the Microsoft store at Metrotown yet, but I will! I will update this post with photos of the store when I have them.

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