Thursday, November 21, 2013

#SavourTheCity with Lincoln Motors and Farm 2 Fork

Throughout last week, Lincoln Motor Company of Canada held Savour the City events at different restaurants in Vancouver to redefine the test drive experience and perhaps show participants a glimpse of the Lincoln lifestyle. Having hosted events at Wildebeest, Oakwood Canadian Bistro and Cincin, Lincoln Motor ended off Savour the City with a popup restaurant put on by Farm 2 Fork, an underground restaurant from Gastown.

The dinner was hosted at the Waterfall Building on West 2nd. I took the family out for this dinner. My dad loves cars and thought he would enjoy test driving a Lincoln.

I wanted to try out the Ecoboost MKZ but wasn't given a choice this time because there were so many people waiting in line to take the cars out.

A quick once around the block and we were back in side the tents, which protected us from the torrent of rain that came afterwards! Phew!

While we waited, we mingled with other attendees and noshed on different types of amuse-bouches made of beet, watermelon and salmon.

Three course dinner paired with wine.

Chef Nicolas Hipperson introduced each plate before it was served. Each dish was paired with a wine - as in his company's full 6-course meal experience.

We started off with a soup. Roasted Sunchoke Veloute with toasted broche, compressed grapes, celery leaves paired with D-Minor "Symphony" Blanc.

The servers came around one by one to pour the veloute into our bowls.

2nd course: Braised Short Rib - pomme puree, collard kale, mushroom ragu, block pepper & red wine infusion paired with Volconic Hills Magma Red. It was a pretty big hunk of meat. Braised for 48 hours I think it was so it was very tender and yum-my!

For dessert, Apple Wine Panna Cotta with melody of summer fruits, cilantro sorbet and strawberry consomme.

The cilantro sorbet was different! It didn't have a strong taste of cilantro that I expected! The dessert was very sweet, which I liked but may be overwhelming for some. It was also paired with a sweet ice wine that I loved. Forgot the name of it though.

Form 2 Fork and Lincoln Motors gave us an amazing dining and test drive experience. Wish I could live like this every day!

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