Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Move Your Butts With Blue Man Group!

The Blue Man Group was a feast for the eyes and ears! Super funny and clever, the Blue Men uses paints, lighting, electronic screens, drums, movement and the infamous Drumbone featuring PVC plumbing pipes to create a show that is unlike any other. If you ever wanted to hear Beethoven's Fur Elise played on PVC pipes here's your chance! I've never seen the group perform before and I had a blast at this show! You'll be laughing one moment and in awe the next, but rest assured you'll be smiling through out the whole thing.   

For their big finale, the Blue Men got everyone off their seats and invited us to shake our butts off with the music. It was super fun party with the giant beach balls and streamers. I just wished that more of the people around me had treated it like a rock concert and not just stand there doing nothing unless a ball came nearby. I mean come on! DANCE! The music is so catchy! And the Blue Men even gave us rock concert move lessons! Shake those buttcakes! (After seeing the Blue Man Group, you'll leave an expert on concert moves and with a whole new vocabulary on butts as well. ;P)

People of all ages can enjoy this show! The performance last about 90 minutes and there are no intermissions. Make sure you are not late or you will get a big surprise!

If you are sensitive to strobe lights you may want to close your eyes in the beginning. There was a lot of audience interaction during the show! The Blue Men would make their way into the audience and a few times invited a lucky audience member to the stage! Make sure to sit in the front rows or aisle seats for a better chance to be picked. Wear clothes that you will not be afraid to get paint on. That includes shoes!

After the show is over, you'll be able take photos with members the band and see the artwork that created during the show!

The Blue Man Group is performing at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre from now until March 30th. Please visit Broadway Across Canada for more information and to purchase tickets. This is a show you won't want to miss!

Disclosure: I received tickets to the show from Broadway Across Canada. No other compensation was received. The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own and have not been influenced in any other way.

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