Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cross Country Skiing on Lost Lake Trail Whistler

In the morning of the last day of our weekend in Whistler, M.N., W.W. and I had decided to go snowshoeing. We had to take a short walk from the Whistler Village to Lost Lake Passivhaus.

We crossed under this bridge where there was some pretty cool artwork.

Cross the blue bridge!

Here we are. Lost Lake PassivHaus. This used to be the home of the Austrian team during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. Now it's a base for snowshoeing and cross country skiing rentals and lessons. We decided to try cross country skiing instead when we got there. It's has been a while since I've last done it. Last was in elementary school, I believe. It was only $25 for the pass to the trail and $30 for the ski rentals.

 Here we are at the start of the trail. Ready to for our big adventure!

The Lost Lake trail is the easiest one that loops around Lost Lake with mostly flat ground and a gentle downhill slopes. It takes about half an hour to go around the lake at a leisurely pace. The scenery is just gorgeous! It really was a winter wonderland that weekend. The snow was falling softly. The trees were coated in white. The silence of the forest. It was very serene.

As we progressed, around the trail, we could see the lake peeking out between the trees, covered in snow. So beautiful.

I thought cross country skiing was way more interesting than snowshoeing. I'm glad we chose to do this instead. In fact, I did it again 2 weeks later!

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