Wednesday, March 19, 2014

West Coast Geeks vs Nerds: Robopocalypse II

When you find yourself craving some laughter and geekiness, you may be interested to know the first Tuesday night of every month is reserved for the West Coast Geeks VS Nerds! It is funny debate show that caters to every geek, nerd and anyone who are fans of popular pop culture icons. This season, they have made the Vancouver FanClub their home. The theme of March's debate was Robopocalypse!

Chris "MooMan" Nyarady, host and producer of West Coast Geeks VS Nerds, always starts us off with a little dance during the intro to the show. This time was no exception:

This guy carries the show! His enthusiasm is infectious!

The opener debate was Bob from the series Reboot vs Tron - Who is the better protector of your PC?

 Team Geeks, decked full out in their Reboot glory represented Bob.

 While Team Nerds, representing Tron, had a chill, radical, dude man.

During the debates, one of the things handed out is a rebuttal token, which each team can use at any time to rebuttal a point made by the other team. Usually the tokens are cheeky objects that pertain to each character's world. 

Team Tron was handed a spinning disc thing. Ooo. It spins!

There were some Nerf wars between the members of Team Bob and the Mooman. Haha that was fun to watch!

I wasn't too familiar with Bob from Reboot - I remember not liking the art style of the show so didn't watch it. But Team Geeks wins it for Bob!

Between debates, there's always a costume contest. This time there were only two entries and so they win by default! The guy who came as the Liquid Metal wins first prize. Mooman notes that everyone who participates gets a prize so let it be an incentive to dress up!

The feature debate was between the Cylons from Battlestar Galactica and the Terminators from Terminator - Which robotic race is best equipped to kill all humans?

Team Cylons resorted to numbers to try to win the debate. Cylons have killed waaaaay more humans than Skynet. 

Rebuttal token for Team Cylon? A toaster. Team Terminator? A picture of Sarah Connor.

Unfortunately for Team Cylon, the crowd was not persuaded by numbers and chose Team Terminator as the winner!

The next West Coast Geeks VS Nerds show is on April 1st (no joke!) and will feature: Aquaman vs John Carter and Bugs Bunny vs The Hulk. And psst - in celebration of the new Muppet movie, if you bring a friend and say the secret phrase "Wakka Wakka" when you buy your ticket, your friend gets in for free!

In the meantime, follow the WCGvN team on Twitter and Facebook. They are really active on both and periodically hold contests where you can win tickets to attend this super funny show that every geek and nerd should attend at least once!

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