Saturday, May 03, 2014

Fresh St. Market Halibut Festival 2014

Halibut season has started and Fresh Street Market held its 2nd annual halibut festival today. I managed to drag K. along to check it out. The first thing we noticed is the 32. foot fishing boat in the parking lot. It was apparently loaded with 10,000 pounds of fresh halibut!

Halibut burgers were being sold for $5 with drink and there was a line up around the block for them. The staff were cooking the halibut burgers as fast as they could! All proceeds were donated to Lions Gate Hospital fund! That made us feel even better as we chowed down on the delicious burger.

The burger was delish! For the drink, we had a choice of ginger root beer, grape soda or cola. They all were zero calories. I chose the root beer. Not bad but I could taste the aspartame.

It was a steal for $5 for the whole meal!

One of the booths set up was Coldfish Seafood Co. Inc. They had a bin containing the largest halibut I've every seen!

 This fish was humongous! I bet it weighs like 200lbs!

The halibut was tagged so you can find out how the fish was caught; important in keeping with sustainable seafood.

We also went up the fishing boat, the Salish Challenger.

They had an ice locker full of smaller halibuts.

 Oceanwise also had a booth set up.

They had this handy chart on display that showed which seafoods are currently in season.

Inside Fresh St. Market, there were sample stations set up throughout and everyone was buying halibut at the seafood counter!

Halibut steaks were $2.49 per 100g and filets were $3.29. They were sold out of halibut tails by the time we got there unfortunately. People were buying them by the bags full!

This festival was only for one day at the West Vancouver location but you can still catch the halibut festival tomorrow at the Fresh St. Farm store in Surrey (15930 Fraser Hwy, Fleetwood, Surrey). They were holding their 1st annual festival. Halibut burgers and drink are again $5 and proceeds go to Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation!

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