Saturday, June 28, 2014

Joe Fortes Patio Party Tweetup 2014

Summer is officially here and with that comes the anticipated patio season! Joe Fortes held its annual patio party tweetup on Tuesday, June 24th.

Summer wasn't off to a good start and it had been raining earlier in the day but when the event started, sun showed up to the party as well! In fact it was perfect patio weather to enjoy drinks, good eats and mingle.

Guests were invited to make their own Caesar with store bought clamato or house-made clamato and a whole bunch of other optional ingredients. 

Here is Joe Fortes' recipe for the Clamato juice and their signature Caesar. Obviously, people were encouraged to deviate from the original and come up with their own creative drink!

One of the ingredients available was CANDIED BACON! I admit I stole a piece later one just to eat by itself. Ha! So good!
Here's the Caesar I made. The glass is rimmed with bacon bits heheh. I used Joe Forte's house made clamato juice and added candied bacon, a celery stick, a cocktail shrimp and a slice of lime. Not too terribly creative. I saw that some people piled up all the ingredients! You had to eat that caesar, never mind drinking it!

Of course, there were a lot of delicious food going around, starting with spicy chicken waffle! Mmmm!

My absolute favourite dish - miso marinated sablefish! Order that next time you visit Joe Fortes. You won't be disappointed!

Fish and chips, oyster po'boy,

 buttered prawns, grilled stirloin.
These salmon cakes were new. Pretty delicious bites!

There was a lot to sample, but of course, I couldn't stray far from my first love at Joe Fortes. Oysters! Delicious, fresh, local beach oysters coming from near Vancouver Island. These were juicy and rich creamy tasting. 

Sadly, Oyster Bob had retired but Oyster Alex was at the oyster bar shucking furiously all evening to keep up with the fast pace the oysters were being slurped up! I didn't help at all, coming around for seconds, thirds and fourths. lol!

 There was also all kinds of dessert including these yummy coconut and chocolate cones.

Raspberry Panna Cotta!

Lemon tarts!

 Guests were also playing putt in hopes of winning some lobster oil! It was hopeless for me. XD

Love the Joe Fortes branded golf ball!

It was an amazing party as always! Hit up Joe Fortes for dinner or happy hour (every day from 4 - 6pm). The patio bar is also included as part of happy hour so you can relax on the roof as you slurp up those $1 oysters!

For a parting gift, Joe Fortes gave us planting pots with some seeds! Wonderful, I can put that to good use!

Thanks Joe Fortes for the wonderful time!

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