Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Delish General Store Grand Opening

A quaint little store opened up on Granville Island a couple weeks ago; tucked away in a little corner behind Rogers Chocolates, Delish General Store offers a delightful mix of modern and vintage household items for sale.

Store owner, Tamara Komuniecki, pictured here with her husband, started her business online ( as a something she could develop while staying at home with her young son. The opportunity on Granville Island presented itself recently and she jumped on it. Four weeks and many 3am nights later, the physical, Delish General Store was born!

The store has a very organic feel and many of their items for sale are made in Canada. One of the more notable items are the gorgeous hand turned wooden bowls made by their father in Yarrow, BC. When I asked Tamara which item in the store was her favourite, she said she couldn't choose! She loved them all. Every single thing in her store is something she would love in her own home. (I want them in my own home as well!)

Next time you are on Granville Island, be sure to check out the Delish General Store at 108 - 1535 Johnston Street or you can also peruse the store online at

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