Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fresh St. Market Chili Cook-Off 2015

On Saturday, March 28th, Fresh St. Market in West Vancouver held its annual chili cook-off benefiting the JGL Foundation for Cerebral Palsy. Six teams: West Van VPD, Fresh St. Market, Lekker, Village Taphouse, Grimm's, and 7 Seas, competed for bragging rights for the best chili. For only $5, attendees got to taste all six chilis and vote for their favourite one. I love coming to these events at Fresh St. Market. It is very well organized and goes to benefit a good cause!

The Fresh Street Market team working hard to serve their chili to the hungry crowd!

Fresh St. Market made a pork and bacon chili with a side of corn bread. The chili had a little heat, tasted great, and the corn bread was so delicious! I could have went back for seconds!

Between each station was a palate cleansing station with bread from Terra Breads!

 Grimm's turkey chili.

Lekker's chili had beef, bacon, and chocolate in it!

They also served it with a side of nachos.

The 7 Seas team!

 Their's was quite delicious as well. It had ground beef, molasses, and chocolate in it. Plus it was topped with cheese and crunchy pork rinds! YUM!

Village Taphouse made theirs with a lot of beef: ground beef, beef sirlion, beef broth. Very meaty.

The West Vancouver Police had pineapple and ketchup in theirs so it was very sweet. It tasted good but missed that heat I thought a chili should have.

A bottle of water is needed if you are going to eat chili! Thankfully Fresh St. Market thought ahead and included one in the price of the ticket.

In addition to chili, there was coffee, and other samples around to try in the store.

There was also chocolate dipped banana pops for sale!

 Chilled banana covered in chocolate and dipped in sprinkles! Double yum!

The winner of the Chili Cook-Off was announced after I had left and it was 7 Seas! It must have been those pork rinds that cinched it for them. ;P

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