Thursday, June 04, 2015

Eat. Vote. Win. on the FunDeLentil Tour

Did you know Canada is one of the world's largest producer of lentils? And that lentils are full of vitamins and minerals that are great for a healthy diet? To bring awareness to the benefits of lentils, Canadian Lentils is hosting The FunDeLentil Tour, a cross-Canada lentil restaurant competition on right now! 24 restuarants from seven cities have created signature dishes, using Canadian grown lentils, that will be available for diners to taste throughout the month of June.

Four well known restaurants in Vancouver are participating in the tour: Fable, Campagnolo, Forage, and Café Medina. Each have added a special dish showcasing lentils to their menu. Below are photos of the dishes. Don't they look delicious? To view behind-the-scenes videos showing the chefs and their inspiration for their signature lentils dishes and to vote for your favourite, visit

Chorizo and Lentil Ragout by Chef Trevor Bird, Fable

Lentil and Foie Gras Croquette by Chef Nathan Lowey, Campagnolo

Lentil and Spring Vegetable "Biryana," Sprouted Lentils, Wild Greens, Raitha and Pickled Mustard Seed 
by Chef Chris Whittaker, Forage

Mercimekli" - Turkish Lentil Cassoulet with Roasted Free-range Chicken Thigh and Soft Poached Egg
by Chef Jonathan Chovancek, Café Medina.

The FunDeLentil Tour Contest Details

Visit to view short videos about each restaurant and to vote for your favourite for a chance to win airfare for two and three nights accommodations in the choice of city (from cities with participating restaurants) with gift cards to each of the participating restaurants in that city.

You don't need to try the dishes in order to enter the contest but it is highly encouraged!

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