Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Halo 5 Midnight Launch at Microsoft Store

Halo 5: Guardians is finally released!!! For those that don't know me, I'm a bit of a gamer. Sometimes I have difficult choice between blogging and gaming. (If I'm not updating, that means I'm gaming. Sorry!) One of my favourite games is Halo. Usually I line up for the midnight launch at BestBuy, but this year I heard that the Microsoft Store at Metropolis at Metrotown was going to hold a launch party with Halo themed food and music so I decided to check it out since I had to wait until midnight to be able to play my digital copy of the game anyways.

 I was 41st in line. My friend was 7th! At 6pm, we were let into the party.

The line was very organized. We were given these lanyards and a code to enter for prizes that were drawn throughout the night.

A few TVs were set up around the store so people could try out Halo 5 before the midnight release. Nothing spoilery of course!

 A live DJ played some tunes.

The Halo LIVE broadcast event was put on the big screen but it was very hard to hear any thing with the music on.

I was kind of disappointed with the food...This was not at all Halo themed.

Apparently Halo themed meant a small Chipotle burrito with a Halo sticker stuck to it... -____- *FAIL* But I guess food is food. Other people weren't complaining.

 The store was decorated with some of these Spartan heads around.

We also were able to get our heads pasted onto a suit of armour. I did it but I must have entered the wrong email address and how my photo is going to be forever floating in cyberspace.

I read that BestBuy was going to have Master Chief and Locke show up so I expected something similar at a Microsoft store but when I asked they said NO! WHAT?! They weren't going to be showing up at the Metrotown location! It was still early so I hopped onto a train to the Pacific Centre Microsoft store where I saw through updates on social media that Master Chief WAS in attendance!

 The party was still going strong at Pacific Centre.

 Right away I found the Master Chief and Cortana!

There were a lot of cosplayers there! Here's Master Chief playing some Halo 5. He seems to be enjoying it! I also heard that there was an epic entrance where all the cosplayers marched in, while Halo music played, that I missed because I was CLEARLY AT THE WRONG LOCATION.

This location seemed to have more game stations to play at as well.

 Oh, Chief! Why are you ignoring Cortana?!

 Cool drink station! They had pizza and desserts as well, I think.

 Awww I missed the cake!

It used to look like this:

A photo posted by Catherine (@cat_nguyen1) on
So cool!

 There was a DJ here playing music as well.

I'm so glad I went to this Microsoft store, because I got a photo with this guy! This guy is so tall, he is the perfect spartan!

 Look at this guy! He towered over everyone! So cool!

The parties at the Microsoft stores were cool. I enjoyed myself and I'm glad I found the Chief and his friends finally!

Now excuse me while I play Halo 5! See you out on the battlefield!

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