Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Adventures Up North: Yellowknife - Dogs and Lights

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Day 3 in Yellowknife was an amazing day since we did so much. Exploring museums, dog-sledding
and staking out at night to watch the northern lights.

We woke up nice and early and headed to New Town to try the coffee at Javaroma. This is like the Starbucks of Yellowknife.

We had a little time to explore the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre and eat before our scheduled dog sledding time. We actually ended up at the Northwest Territories Legislative Building instead, which was a block away.

There are some cool artifacts in the building like the Mace of the Legislative Assembly. The detail on the thing is most impressive!

There are guided tours but since we had limited time we just explored a little by ourselves. The public is allowed to go upstairs and go into the seating area overlooking the Chamber.

There's a huge polar bear run in the centre of the chamber.

We then walked over to the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. Both these places didn't require any admission fee.

 We headed up to the Museum Cafe for lunch.

Bison Burger with cheese curds, lettuce, tomato, onion & cranberry black pepper mayo on a ciabatta bun - $17
I had the bison burger. All the burgers and sandwiches at the cafe are served with choice of soup, house salad, caesar salad or potatoes with garlic truffle aioli. I chose the house salad, which was a decent size! Food was ok, not spectacular but pretty decent.

 Hurrying through the exhibits.

 I really liked the exhibits that showed all the local wildlife in Yellowknife and the north.

We actually saw a fox the first night we were in Yellowknife. Right in town, too! Didn't get a picture of it though.

In the early afternoon, we headed to Beck's Kennels for a dog sledding experience.

The dogs are so cute! They were so excited and where almost like barking "Pick me! Pick me!"

Preparing the dogs. The sleds were initially attached to snowmobiles just to help the dogs get to the final destination.

We traveled to a nearby frozen lake (Grace Lake) where the dogs were let loose. They were raring to go. We didn't need to give them any instructions or anything they knew what to do.

We went two times around the perimeter of the lake, switching between standing and sitting in the sled. All too soon, the ride was over and we headed back to the kennels.

We warmed up inside with hot chocolate and Beck came out to say hi to us. He has won a lot of trophies for dog sleg racing!

Said goodbye to the dogs one last time and headed off to our next adventure - Cameron Falls!

 The Cameron Falls trail is located on the Ingraham Trail, about 47 km east of Yellowknife.

It was getting dark so we had to hustle.

 We finally got a view of the falls.

This was as far as we got because we were afraid it'll get too dark if we didn't turn back when we did. We went home prepared a home made dinner then took a nap before heading out for our last Northern Lights viewing. We had passed by an area at Prosperous Lake on our way to Cameron Falls where we thought we could park and view the lights.

Again the clouds were out so we made our own fun, light painting while we waited. A fox came by to investigate, too!

For about an hour around 3-4am the sky cleared up and we could see the stars so clearly. It was amazing. Then we spotted some very dim greeness in the sky. We were still not sure if it was the Northern Lights since it was so dim and the clouds were also moving in. Then a green band moved across the sky. Still very dim but we were sure of it this time!

Too bad we didn't see a spectacular show. Next time we'll know not to go to Yellowknife in November! At least we got to see it a little bit!

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

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